
Angry Dems Take Attacks on Pelosi to New Level: 'Get in the Damn Room' with Trump, 'Give Him the Money!'


Some Democrats are starting to get tired of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s vendetta against President Donald Trump as the partial government shutdown drags on.

The shutdown hinges on the left’s unwillingness to comply with Trump’s demand for funding for a border wall.

Initially, Democrats were happy to rally behind Pelosi’s stance against Trump, but some of the party’s representatives are now showing signs of fatigue.

Newly-elected Michigan Democrat, Rep. Elissa Slotkin, suggested that Pelosi should come to a deal with Trump, according to MLive.

Slotkin said that party leaders should just “get in the damn room” with Trump to negotiate a compromise.

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But that’s easier said than done for someone like Pelosi, who seems to have a personal vendetta against Trump.

Last week, Pelosi infamously asked Trump to reschedule or cancel the annual State of the Union address, scheduled for Jan. 29.

The Democrat leader cited “security” concerns as her reason, but it’s obvious even to liberals that she was just trying to make a jab at Trump.

However, Pelosi received pushback from some Democrats for her unnecessary attack.

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Democrat House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told Fox News on Tuesday that he would be open to Trump delivering the State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress.

Hoyer had also contradicted Pelosi on statements about the border wall last week.

“Look, I don’t think this is an issue of morality, it’s an issue of does it work,” Hoyer told Fox News in contradiction to Pelosi’s claim that the border wall is immoral.

Hoyer also admitted that the border wall works “in some places.”

Another Democrat is even going as far as explicitly calling on fellow lawmakers to build the wall.

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“Give Trump the money,” Minnesota Rep. Collin Peterson told KFGO’s “News & Views” on Tuesday.

“I’d give him the whole thing … and put strings on it so you make sure he puts the wall where it needs to be. Why are we fighting over this? We’re going to build that wall anyway, at some time,” Peterson added.

While Peterson is more moderate than some of his Democratic peers, it won’t be long until more Democrats ask Pelosi to give in.

Clearly, Pelosi is being unreasonable — and even Democrats are catching on.

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Malachi Bailey is a writer from Ohio with a background in history, education and philosophy. He has led multiple conservative groups and is dedicated to the principles of free speech, privacy and peace.
Malachi Bailey is a writer from Ohio with a passion for free speech, privacy and peace. He graduated from the College of Wooster with a B.A. in History. While at Wooster, he served as the Treasurer for the Wooster Conservatives and the Vice President for the Young Americans for Liberty.
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